Creativity writing and Story Making

The first half of the course will explore different ways of generating ideas while focusing on the two essential elements of fiction: character and plot. There will be writing exercises in class and we will look at relevant excerpts from novels, short stories and creative writing handbooks.
The second half of the course will continue to examine a further aspect of the craft each week and will introduce the process of 'workshopping', where writers read and give constructive feedback on each others' writing. This encourages you to view your own work as a reader rather than as a writer and helps enormously with the editing and revising stages. Your tutor will give you written feedback on your redrafted story or section of novel in the final week of the course.
 Generating ideas, writers' routines and automatic writing
 Character – characters in literature and observation journals
 Character continued – using magazine and newspaper stories and interrogating your character
 Plot and structure – writing from experience and memory
 Plot and structure continued – diagnosing your story's plot
 Showing not telling workshop
 Place workshop
 Point of view workshop
Voice workshop
Style, revising and editing; carrying on and getting published.